Jimmy Blue Girlfriend Concerns Yellies: Rare Illness Preaches Pregnancy – TV

Jimmy Blue Girlfriend Concerns Yellies: Rare Illness Preaches Pregnancy - TV

He suffers with her.

This new cooking show brings the feeling of a holiday with you! With “The Stars’ Choice Menu – All Under One Roof”, four celebrities spend a total of four days in a luxurious house on the Baltic coast.

They each have a day off and can do whatever they want – while the other three have to take a course of their favorite menu to get more points from their “customers”.

Four celebrities in pleasure mode: Sabrina Mockenhaupt, Laura Karsek, Gregor Mele and Jimmy Blue Ochsenknecht (from left)

Four celebrities in Anand Mode (from left): Sabrina Mockenhaupt, Laura Karsek, Gregor Mele and Jimmy Blue Ochsenknecht Photo: TVNOW

Also at the party: singer Gregor Mele (42), writer Laura Karsek (38), long-distance runner Sabrina “Mokie” Mockenhoept (40) and singer and actor Jimmy Blue Ochsenchut (29). He was fortunate to be able to get his feet up on the first day, while the rest of the group worked in the kitchen for their menu of choice.

Laura decided on the desired starter, “Grandma’s Chicken Soup”, as it reminded her of her late father, Helmut Karsek († 61): “She was his medicine for everything.”

Gregor Mele showed a true professional mindset: he not only took care of the main course – Veal Schneitel with asparagus, potatoes and hollandaise sauce – but also helped Sabrina Mockenhoept, who was desperate for her dessert: “My crème brूलीlée a Is a little disgusting now. “

While dining together, however, the culinary experience took a back seat, as Jimmy Blue spoke openly about his relationship with Yelliz Kok (27).

He knew her through his mother’s Instagram account, Natasha Ochsenknech (56): “My mother knew him. And then he wrote a letter to my mother asking if her beautiful son was still unmarried. My mother sent me that as a screenshot, we then started chatting on Instagram and got to know each other. A week later we were on vacation together. “

Sabrina could hardly believe: “What? A week later? “But after the holiday everything went very quickly:” After two or three months we started living together, and now we are going to be both parents. “

But pregnancy is anything but easy for former “Bachelor” candidate Yeliz! He suffers from the rare disease hyperemesis gravidarum, which causes unquenchable vomiting. Jimmy Blue clearly suffered with his girlfriend: “Only two percent of pregnant women have it. It’s called hypermesis, where you have extreme nausea and vomiting.”

Symptoms may last up to the fourth month, sometimes up to the ninth. And the symptoms are not predictable, as Jimmy pointed out: “She may feel bad as soon as she goes down the stairs. I want to assume that I would rather feel sick that she has it all the time.”

This cooking challenge is not for Yalliz at the moment – but he may be more proud of his lover, who finished a respectable second with a total of 29 earned points.

In the end, Gregor Mele, who donated money to a good cause, had a maximum of 30 points and thus a profit of 10,000 euros. He donated the prize to the children’s hospice and the “Heal the World” Foundation.

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