Joseph Fares named Xbox Series X –

Joseph Fares named Xbox Series X -

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While Sony explains its console quite simply, Nintendo and Microsoft are concerned with more keywords for the machine’s respective central concept. The naming conventions of the two companies can hardly be more different, as Nintendo has introduced the GameCube, Wii (+ Wii U) and now Switch, with Microsoft hopelessly lost in its own naming chaos. First the Xbox successor was at the top with the Xbox 360, followed by the Xbox One ((?)? And now we have to stick with the product term Xbox Series X | S…

There is no logical pattern in Microsoft console names, so Swedish developer Josef Ferre agrees with us. Director of sports Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Solution and new it takes two Known for his strong opinions and has helped our colleagues IGN Explain what he thinks of this terrible communication strategy:

“It’s a misleading name. What’s wrong with Microsoft? You’re missing it? Dude, what’s it going on? Series S, X, MX, Next. I mean, who knows? Come on? It’s crazy . Let’s call it Microsoft Box and that’s it. I don’t know. It’s a total mess. Trust me, even those in their offices are confused. WhatsApp XS …? I don’t know what Is it the devil? “

Perhaps one can present this criticism a little more purposefully, but we only agree with the valuable opinion of the game designer.

Joseph Fars discovers the name Xbox Series X.
Fars also has a clear opinion about the Oscars. Seen here at the Sports Awards 2017.

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