Julian Double takes over: Youth union in Nagold region with new management – Nagold and surroundings

Julian Double takes over: Youth union in Nagold region with new management - Nagold and surroundings

The new board team in Upper Nagoldtal with its new chairman, Julian Double (centre). Photo: JU

Jünz in the district of Kaalw is the new head of one of the three regional associations of the union: at a regular general meeting at “Löwen” in Abausen, 22-year-old Julian Daubl was elected as the new president of Hatterbach-Beihringen. Upper Nagoldtal Regional Association. This means that the master’s student is in charge of JU members in the area from Hatterbach to Altenstig and Nagold to Wildberg.

Ebhausen / Nagold – Däuble, who is active in DRK and Town Band, announced in his application speech that he wanted to seek closer ties with local clubs. “Club life holds our society together. We want to contribute to making voluntary work attractive again for young people, whether in a music association or fire brigade. We are the only political youth organization in the Northern Black Forest that offers People of rural areas understand the youth.” It aims to take advantage of the fact that many new board members are also active members of the association. The Blue Light campaign in 2019 showed that as a JU you can really achieve something for clubs and volunteers. The new board team will want to build on this. A membership drive to provide for new offspring is also on the agenda.

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One of the main concerns of the new board of directors is still the presence in the Nagold region. “Above all, we want to be a point of contact and the first point of contact for young people interested in politics at the local level,” continues Julian Double. In addition, on Friday 20 August at 12.30 pm there will be a charity campaign along the JU Gol Wall for flood victims in West Germany.

three new appointments

There are three new appointments in the line of deputy chairman: the previous chairman Jacob Bonacera (Nagold) will remain on the board as one of three deputy. Social activist Rebecca Gartner (Sulz M. Eck) and self-employed IT entrepreneur Julian Heusel (Ebhausen) are new as deputy chairmen.

The new managing director is Simmersfeld’s industrial foreman Dominic Schmidt. Alexander Hammer (Volmmeringen) will complement the board as a member of staff. Felix Geser (Oberschwandorf), a 17-year-old student, was chosen as secretary. The new media officer is Nicolas Weiland (Wildberg), the new finance officer is Mathis Gutkunst (Hatterback). All the offices were elected by an overwhelming majority.

“You need a strong team”

In his welcome address, CDU Bundestag candidate Klaus Mack praised the youth organization’s commitment and active support. “You can see that Jung Union is deeply rooted in its homeland. Anyone who anchors here in the Northern Black Forest also understands the problems of the people.” This is precisely this federal election, and it is above all about leadership in the country. “Now we have to get our economy running again, fix our financials and continue to run fast internet, especially in rural areas,” Claus Mack said. It takes the strength of an entire group to resolve these issues. “One person can’t work alone, you need a strong team,” Mack said at the end of Jung Union.

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The youth organization “Junj Union” (JU), affiliated to CDU, claims to be the largest political youth organization in Kalav district, with around 130 members aged between 14 and 35. The district union is divided into three regional unions Upper Enztal, Kalav and Upper Nagoldtal. JU members try to participate in the formation of political ideas in the CDU as well as in local political committees. The interests of the younger generation are being taken care of.

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