Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dino goes to the next round with theme park chaos

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dino goes to the next round with theme park chaos
Build: Frontier Developments

Theme park simulation Jurassic World Evolution (TEST) was able to convince editors at 2018 with fresh ideas and cool tech that didn’t need a high-end PC to look great, now the British development studio marginal development Published the second part for PC and game consoles.

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Theme Park Simulation for PC, Console and Streaming

Jurassic World Evolution 2, now available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 (test), Xbox One and Xbox Series X | Available via GeForce Now and Windows PC for the S (Test), there is, among other things, a campaign mode with well-advanced building options and customization options for the dinosaur theme park.

More flora, fauna, species and chaos

The developer studio has also given the game a “Chaos Theory Mode”, which is based on scripts from five film templates in the series. Jurassic Park And jurassic world Oriented and the player to Dr. John Parker Hammond and the other heroes of the movies slip away.

The flora and fauna have also expanded compared to the successful first part and provide more habitat, from dense forests and rocky landscapes to tropical regions and deserts. as well as new species such as aquatic dinosaurs attenborosaurus as well as native to Western Europe from 168 to 166 million years ago megalosaurus added.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 has an RRP of 59.90 euros on PC, where it is sold on Steam and the Epic Games Store as well as game consoles, while Jurassic World Evolution 2: Deluxe Edition changes hands at 69.90 euros.

Recommendation from the community: Computerbase Reader is in the comments of this message titled “Genu” prehistoric empire It is indicated, which will be launched in April 2022 and should be celebrated especially with the immense depth of the game.

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