Just a “Too Good” Powder: Turmeric Is a Big Disappointment

Just a "Too Good" Powder: Turmeric Is a Big Disappointment

Just a powder “Very Good”
Turmeric is a disappointment

Turmeric is a myth. And a health promise. The root plant is said to help with cancer, chronic inflammation and joint pain, among other things. Expectations for similar products are high. ko-test is disappointed.

Curcumin, the active ingredient from turmeric root, has been said to have amazing health effects for some time now. It does not matter whether it is Alzheimer’s, a stroke, digestive problems, cancer, chronic inflammation or joint pain, the “magic medicine” should be consumed in food or drink to ease complaints in the face of various adversities. as should be done. Dark yellow powder, also known as turmeric, is one of the main ingredients in curries. According to Statista, Germany imported 5696 tonnes of turmeric in 2020, down from just 2100 tonnes twelve years ago. India was by far the most important supplier country with over 4200 tonnes.

With so much demand, the question arises as to what is ground turmeric good for. echo test Screened 21 products from supermarkets, discounters and drugstores, eleven of which were organic. At prices between 0.47 and 9.98 euros per 50 grams.

Almost all rattle through pollutant test

All turmeric products have been tested for harmful substances in specialized laboratories. Among other things, the heavy metals lead and chromium and ethylene oxide, used as a pesticide or for fumigation. In addition, samples were screened for contamination with mineral oil constituents (MOSH/MOAH), for pesticides, for mold toxins, and for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Microbiological quality was also examined. The health effects of the goods have not been tested.

The result is disappointing. Only “Dainry Ground Turmeric, Natureland” (1.99 Euro per 50 g) achieved “Very Good”, with two products receiving “satisfactory” (“DM Organic Ground Turmeric, Natureland”, 1.63 Euros and “K-Organic Ground Turmeric” from Kaufland, 1.88 euros). The rest fail with “inadequate” or “unsatisfactory”.

Mainly due to excessive exposure to mineral oil components from the tester’s point of view. There are also four brands of insecticides and carcinogenic benzoes.[a]Pyrene – in an organic product of all things (“Sonenter Ground Turmeric”, 2.99 euros). As a result, the result is “insufficient”. “Alantura Ground Turmeric”, “Organic Ground Turmeric”, from Aldi Nord/Sud, “Tree of Life Turmeric Ground” and “TRS Turmeric Powder Turmeric Turmeric Powder” got the same bad note, mainly due to too much mineral oil Constituent.

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