Kate Middleton: Her sister-in-law married in her mother’s wedding dress!

Kate Middleton: Her sister-in-law married in her mother's wedding dress!

The time has finally come on September 11: After postponing the wedding twice due to the pandemic, they give up James Middleton (34), younger brother of Duchess Kate (39, born Kate Middleton), and his great love in the immediate family was Alizzie Thevenet (32) yes word.

In the video above you can see Duchess Kate’s first appearance after two months of summer vacation!

James Middleton’s bride wears mother-in-law Carol’s wedding dress

For the ceremony, which was held in a picturesque location in France, the bride designed a touching tribute to her new family and selected her mother-in-law’s wedding dress. carol middleton (66) Decided. “Hi!” The magazine specially printed related photos.

Alizzie Thevenet got the idea during the lockdown

The gorgeous dress is strapless and falls elegantly to the floor. The special feature is the embroidered round collar with finely worked tips, which is located on the chest area and gives summer freshness to the dress.

With the dress of her choice, Alizee Thévenet not only fulfilled a dream, but also stuck to the tradition of borrowing some for the big day: “My ‘borrowed’ item was actually the dress of my mother-in-law Carol, who wore it 41 years ago on her wedding day in June 1980”, the French-born woman explained, according to “hellomagazine.com”.

The idea of ​​wearing a beautiful wedding dress came to her in lockdown, reveals the proud bride. Because during this time of home quarantine, the financial expert lived with his then-fiancée with his parents Carroll and Michael Middleton (72) at their country estate in Berkshire, England.

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“While I was talking to Carol about the dress and exchanging ideas for inspiration, I tried on her wedding dress and immediately fell in love,” she said excitedly, “it made me whole. Fits well and was exactly what I wanted.” Plus, there was one more thing to do for her: “It always bothered me that wedding dresses are only worn once, so it was wonderful to give a second life to such a beautiful dress.”

Duchess Kate and sister Pippa support their brother

Duchess Kate was at the wedding with her family – Prince William (39) and three children Prince George (8), Princess Charlotte (6) and prinz louis (3) – arrived, as did his sister Pippa Mathews (38, née Middleton) with husband and two children.

The mayor of the picturesque town of Bormes-les-Mimosas, where the wedding took place, described Cambridge’s involvement as very intelligent. They did not want to hold a show for the newlyweds. Therefore, the prince was not dressed formally, Mayor François Arizzi said.

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