Despite Kevin Kravitz’s disappointing second round in doubles, Wimbledon could still be a success story for the Wittsmansburg tennis professional in 2021. Because the 29-year-old surprisingly made it to the semi-finals of the mixed competition with 45-year-old Quetta Peschke. In the quarterfinals, the German and Czech knocked out second-placed pair Mate Pavic (Croatia) and Gabriela Dabrowski (Canada) in 6:3, 6:7 (3:7), 9:7. Curious: After a bye in Round 1 and two non-appearances by their opponents, it was the first game win for Kravitz/Peschke.
Both the pairs worked very efficiently throughout the season. Kravitz/Peschke didn’t give their opponents a break ball well into the third set before they broke at 5:3 and made the match exciting again. He used three of his six breakballs himself. Kravitz and Peschke were not bothered by the late setbacks and decided to take the game at 9:7 with their third break after 2:13 hours of play.
The winning mixed doubles can expect a combined prize money of around €116,000.

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