Kim Jong Un fired again

Kim Jong Un fired again

North Korea apparently fired a test missile a few days after Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s speech. It is not clear what type it was.

Self-declared nuclear power North Korea has again fired a rocket for testing purposes, according to two neighboring countries. The General Staff of South Korea’s military said on Wednesday that the projectile dropped into the sea was apparently a ballistic missile. The Japanese government had also apparently spoken of ballistic missiles. United Nations resolutions ban politically isolated North Korea from testing missiles, which, depending on their design, could also carry nuclear warheads.

Exactly what type of missile it was and how far it flew was initially unclear. According to information provided by the South Korean military, the missile was shot down from a land-based platform in the morning (local time) and flew in the direction of the Sea of ​​Japan (Korean: East Sea). It said that in close cooperation with the US, the situation would be closely monitored in the light of possible further missile tests by North Korea.

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Last year, North Korea said it had successfully tested long-range cruise missiles and fired short-range missiles from a train. In addition, a newly developed hypersonic missile is said to have been test fired. These types of missiles are difficult to intercept due to their high speed. The last time North Korea tested a ballistic missile was in October, which state media at the time described as a “new type” missile that could be launched from a submerged submarine. Experts suspected that it was a short range model.

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North Korea regularly tests a variety of missiles. For years, the communist leadership in Pyongyang has primarily been promoting the development of missiles that could be equipped with nuclear weapons. The country is therefore subject to severe international sanctions. Developments also include long-range missiles that could reach the US mainland.

North Korea has declared itself a nuclear power. Given the talks with the United States over its nuclear weapons program, the international situation is unclear. The talks have not progressed for almost three years.

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