King Depps of Pain: Charles III. swear out loud

King Depps of Pain: Charles III.  swear out loud

the king of pens disappointed
Charles III swears aloud

The new British King Charles III. Currently doing a tight schedule, he and Queen Camilla are currently in Northern Ireland. There the emperor briefly loses his composure during an appointment – in front of the camera.

King Charles III showed his veins for the second time in a few days. a video made by Charles’ trip to Northern Ireland. In it, the British monarch complains about an apparently leaking fountain pen.

Charles is hesitant at first when he wants to sign a guest book at the royal residence in Hillsborough, near Belfast. “Is it September 12th?” he asks. When told it’s already the 13th, Charles says, “Oh my god, I wrote the date wrong.” Queen Camilla tells that she has already entered 12th.

Soon afterwards, angry about the pen: “Oh my God, I hate it,” said Charles to his wife as she got up from the table. “Look, it’s spreading everywhere, wait,” he replied. “I can’t stand this damn thing. What do they do every time,” scolds King. Camilla then signs with a different pen.

Users on the social network had already criticized the new head of state on Saturday. As soon as he signed his proclamation, Charles vehemently opposed the position of an inkwell and made a stern gesture to move the pot to his servants.

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