Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the “pink version of Super Mario 64” • JPGAMES.DE

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the "pink version of Super Mario 64" • JPGAMES.DE

appears on friday kirby and the forgotten land And thus not only the first 3D Kirby, but also a potentially good-feeling game that could go right after Elden Ring for many. Our review will take a little longer, which is why we give you a short Media Echo below.

IGN Kirby and the Forgotten Land as “a completely new perspective on the classic Kirby formula”. The platformer will feel like the next big step for Kirby, says writer Tom Marks. And also like a move that skillfully translates the things the author likes about Kirby into a fresh — yet familiar — new perspective.

Kirby and the Forgotten Lands will successfully take an already fun mix of skill-based combat, platforming and mystery-hunting into the third dimension. The post-apocalyptic setting with “cleverly designed levels” is also praised.

eurogamer Makes a recommendation, but also finds critical words. Writer Martin Robinson thinks it’s tempting to say that Kirby can take on Mario — but that’s not the case at all. There aren’t as many new ideas and abilities as “round” (pun intended?) as in Super Mario Odyssey.

He also remembers the famous Nintendo polishing. Still, Kirby and the Forgotten Lands is a game for “absolutely everyone” and the switch to 3D platforming is not only successful, but significant. The game is an “absolute blast” and probably “Kirby’s best throw ever”.

sports informer-Writer John Carson felt there was always something new to discover in the game and this fueled the constant urge to dive to a new level. The mini-games are varied and there are some more challenging tasks such as boss hordes in the Coliseum. Fans of Kirby and the platformers shouldn’t miss Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It’s the “pink version of Super Mario 64” – it once brought Mario into the 3D world. Kirby is charming as ever.

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VGC believes that Kirby, like all other Nintendo characters, finds an existence in the shadows of Link and Mario. But Kirby may have cemented his reputation as the most relatable of the B-tier characters. sports radar Comprises the levels and tight mode, lacking only the local co-op mode.

gameproWriter Tobias Weltin doesn’t see Kirby on the same level as Super Mario Odyssey in terms of inventiveness or playful sophistication. “But the knob is coming,” it says. In any case, Kirby and the Lost Land is “a platform highlight for Switch that you absolutely have to have on screen”.

So, do you have Kirby and the Forgotten Lands on screen? So now you can get it for 49.99 euro instead of 59.99 euro Pre-order on Amazon, Kirby’s first 3D adventure will release on March 25.

Artwork: Kirby and the Forgotten Lands, NintendoHAL Laboratory

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