Land allows Tesla to test another 2000 Model Y from Giga Berlin>

tesla model-y performance transporter giga berlin

Instead of the expected final approval for the entire project, Tesla has received another advance approval for its Gigafactory in Grunheide, near Berlin. This emerges from a decision by the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment, published Friday by a local observer. Accordingly, shortly before Christmas, the company applied in October to allow testing and test runs of its system to extend significantly beyond the previous level – with success: after the first 250, Tesla now received another 2,000 completed. Model Ys are allowed to build. in Grunheide.

New Tesla Application Before Christmas

Shortly before Christmas, the Brandenburg state government had all the documents needed for final Gigafactory approval. A senior environment ministry official confirmed this in the state parliament this week and said officials were now about to begin the final phase of their decision. But he also pointed out that Tesla not yet satisfied with the results of its previous factory tests And hence applied for more preliminary examinations in parallel.

With new notification They were allowed. The press shop allowed each of the 13 tool sets to produce another 2,000 parts, with the body shop putting them together, coloring in the paint shop and testing the result in final assembly. could. The Giga Press for the rear and possibly the front frame elements of the Model Y are also not mentioned in the approval, but prior approval from the end of October should suffice for them: At that time, the country allowed TeslaTo produce 20,000 parts with large die-casting machines.

According to observers, Tesla practically eliminated 250 Model Ys already registered in the past few weeks. repeatedly he saw Electric cars from on-site factory building Standing, some have already been taken (see photo above), apparently to Norway. Without a new permit, previous workers at the Gigafactory would almost have had their hands on their laps.

Gigafactory quality still “poor”

At the same time, it is clear from the text of the decision that further tests are indeed necessary and not merely intended to bridge the time till final approval. “Parts and/or bodies manufactured or included as part of system tests show poor quality that deviate significantly from system specifications,” the Environment Agency writes in its statement of reasons. In this regard, it makes sense that the newly requested tests “represent a mandatory minimum for the relevant testing procedures”.

Must be for at least four weeks Tesla is busy with the new 2000 Model Y now. Because the permit limits painting to a maximum of 500 car bodies per week, for example. In theory, the final approval could come within this period, as applications for the same would continue to be scrutinized in parallel, according to the environment ministry. But the German Tesla factory doesn’t seem technologically advanced enough to actually begin producing the Model Y for customers.

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