Let us give ourselves space to think! | Morgenimpuls – Podcast with Sister Katharina DOMRADIO Der Morgenimpuls with Sister Katharina | domradio.de

Let us give ourselves space to think!  |  Morgenimpuls - Podcast with Sister Katharina DOMRADIO Der Morgenimpuls with Sister Katharina |  domradio.de

On Bruno von Köln’s Commemoration Day, Sister Katharina reminds us that in turbulent times it is especially important to process our thoughts and sort our goals.

The weather last weekend was just amazing. Fog and cool in the morning and wonderful blue sky in the late morning, sunshine, colorful leaves on the trees and the desire to be outside and enjoy the abundance of autumn. And under no circumstances did you feel the desire or desire to deal with politics in the Church and in society.

In all the hustle and bustle of current German politics, with negotiations for the formation of a government, with traffic lights or Jamaica, which resume today, and with the difficulties of the synodal path in our church that met the weekend ago. Between power and faith, between church and state, today’s commemoration day of St. Bruno of Cologne fits.

We today always think that our times are so confusing and not Christian at all. But in reality it was never really that different. No, don’t worry, I also know that there must be politicians and church people who have to take care of the interests of the state and the church. But as with all struggles and conflicts, sometimes it can’t be so wrong to allow a little bit of silence and quiet and contemplating the gospel and sorting through thoughts and plans and goals. For the good of the people.

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