“Let’s Dance” star announces love news – Watson

"Let's Dance" star announces love news - Watson

Evgeny Vinokurov, Evelyn Burdeki and Robert Beits made a joint appearance on “Let’s Dance” in 2019. Build: Getty Images Europe / Joshua Samer

“Like in a Fairy Tale”: This “Let’s Dance” Is the Second Engagement After the Professional Season

This year, the stars of ‘Let’s Dance’ are looking really glamourous. On 28 May, now the 14th season of the RTL dance format, the reigning duets consist of professional dancer Renata Lucin and former professional footballer Rurik Gislason.

But as with every season, viewers were also interested in what was happening off the dance floor—possibly including which of the professional celebrity couples might have fallen in love during rehearsals. After all, Luca Haney and Christina Luft were the show’s most recent lovers in 2020.

This year, however, the current professional couple in particular are doing their bit: Now the other pair is already engaged.

Ilse DeLange’s dance partner gets engaged in Amsterdam

Professional Evgeny Vinokurov, who danced with Dutch singer Ilse DeLange on “Let’s Dance” in 2021, is engaged to his girlfriend Nina Bezubova. He has now shared this news with nearly 45,000 Instagram followers. He wrote of a photo collage with Nina: “Yeah! We got engaged! I love you, Nina.” And further:

Nina is also a dancer by trade – she even got to see the “Let’s Dance” audience this year, as Evgeny danced with her, as of 2020, on the professional challenge in early June. He and Evgeny have been a couple since 2019.

Patriciza Belousova and Alexandru Ionel also want to get married

Nina and Evgeny are not the only ones who want to say yes: at the end of June, Patriciza Belousova and her partner Alexandru Ionel announced that they were engaged on vacation in Dubai.

Overwhelmed by the application on a restaurant viewing platform, the 26-year-old previously said: “Oh no”, but then agreed how she felt interview Remembered with RTL.

Alexandru wasn’t particularly lucky with “Let’s Dance”: After the introductory show he left with pop singer Vanessa Negert. On the other hand, Patricija celebrated great successes – together with boxer Simon Zachenhuber, she took fourth place and missed the final.

One of the show’s professional dancers, whose search for love has attracted a lot of speculation lately, is behind the scenes with information: When Christian Polank appeared in a suit in early July and a red rose in his hand. Had a picture of myself with kissing day on the occasion of world instagram published, many of his followers already believed that he was new Single. He was “certainly not”, as he made it clear shortly afterwards. How is with him in matters of love is still unknown.


The Former Bachelor With A Surprising Confession: To All The People She Wants To Be On A TV Show — She’s Reluctant

Last season “The Bachelor” caused moments of great excitement. After Bachelor Nico bids goodbye to semi-final candidate Michel de Rouge, she brought him back shortly before the final – only to have him serve again in the final after that. But after the show, the two came together and moved into their first apartment together.

With Youtuber Ramón Wagner, Nico talks again about the show and his tumultuous relationship with Michelle. and that …

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