Maximilian Linen hopes to have a leisurely appearance for the ice hockey outfit at the earliest.
© Max Linen
Ten questions for ice hockey strikers
For Maximilian Lingen of Ice Hockey Regional League Club EC Burgisk Land and his teammates, the new lockdown occurred at the same time as they completed their first units on the ice at Berkerstrasse. The 25-year-old striker not only remembers cabin beers with his raptors.
1. How has coronovirus affected your life?
Maximilian Lingan: Since then, my university and work have basically only happened at home, so shopping is the only reason to leave home. I have been rotating about eight people for months, including myself and my friend’s family. I can tell from my fitness level that the sport in the ice rink has not been there for months. This life had been very quiet for a while, but now I am hoping for a normal life again.
2. What will you do first when the ghost is gone for good?
Linen: First thing I’m going on vacation with my girlfriend. It does not even have to go away. A few days in the mountains will be enough to get you started. Then by plane to the beach – and when I return, I hope all the clubs and bars are not closed yet …
3. Beer with or without alcohol after exercise?
Lingan: With alcohol. It always tastes best after exercise. I remember having beer in the locker room with my teammates after training.
4. Team tour: Mall or leisurely?
Linen: I think a team tour is about being out and about with the team, so I gladly like the Bollarman-Malle tour. This does not mean that the team tour is less wild than leisurely.
5. What can’t be missing in your fridge?
Lingan: Beer always has to be kept cold. Since I am not a baked food, I am almost happy when the fridge is already ready.
6. Music: Schlezer, classical or technical?
Lingan: As far as music is concerned, I see myself as a classic all-rounder, I can hear everything. A few years ago I was on a road trip in Canada with my teammate Kai Peters. That’s when I discovered native music. So when we come to the dressing room after the win, the team can hear “Chicken Fried” by the “Zac Brown Band”. But now almost everyone sings loudly. Otherwise I am most confident in the song with the hits.
7. Which athlete do you want to go to the sauna or drink coffee with?
Lingan: I want to drink a coffee with Sidney Crosby, for me he is the best ice hockey player in the world and, according to the stories, a super relaxed and calm man. There are some female athletes for the sauna that I can think of, but I don’t want to go any further. I probably don’t know what the priority of the game will be.
8. Which was the most exciting sporting event for you?
Lingan: The most exciting sporting event was the final of the 2007 Handball World Championship. We had tickets at the Lancs Arena and were able to win against Poland and won with the World Championship Live.
9. Cinema: Comedy, Science Fiction or Horror?
Lingan: I am a big fan of action and science fiction. Meaning the Marvel Cinematic Universe is tailored for me. The first Iron-Man film is my favorite film.
10. What does the perfect evening look like for you?
Lingen: Before the epidemic, I would have said that my perfect evening would include a delicious meal at a restaurant with my girlfriend and wine or be at a bar with my faction. It is currently a joint dinner at home with my girlfriend and then some wins in the warzone with teammates on consolation. Jg
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