Linz start-up makes its first investment with the company Consultant Marketplace

Team von Finothek: Investition für halloSophia © Alois Endl

Linz startup Finotheque came up with the concept of a digital consulting platform for companies in the EU-wide MatchCon #EUvsVirus (Trending Topics Report). “Digital Business Health Center” Half head (It is the name of a digital product from Finotech) was selected as one of 100 projects for the new partnership. Now young company Vienna has been able to gather its first, small financing in the mid five-figure range from investment company A&S Beteiligungsgesellschaft

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Automatic Placement Suggestion

“Small and medium-sized companies need good advice, especially during an epidemic. Halosofia provides you with an existing network of experts on which you can book consulting services easily, quickly and cheaply, ”says A&S co-founder Silke Greiner. Finotheque hopes that the investment will bring more investment to other business angels and investors.

On Haloslophia, entrepreneurs around the world can use themes to indicate what specialization they are seeking. You will then find specific advisors and automatically receive suggestions for potential appointments, which will then take place in the forum’s own digital meeting room. According to Finotheque co-founder Marcus Waghubinger, nearly 400 individual consultations have taken place on Haloslophia since it was launched last year. About 140 experts from Austria, Germany and Great Britain can already be found in the network.

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Mini-workshops for a fee soon

“The major difference of video conference apps like Zoom is that the data resides with Austrian software and is therefore protected. Documents can be securely exchanged on our encrypted server. In addition, each area of ​​the consultation process takes place at once. There is also a personal, individual consultation room of all specialists.

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Finolec intends to use the new capital, optimizing the customer experience on halosophia. So far, according to Wagubinger, customer inquiries have come mainly from Austria, but also from all possible parts of the world, such as Portugal or Zambia. Consultation is still free, but a new update will also include paid mini-workshops. “For advisers, the current registration will pay off in the long term. We were able to convince many people from the fact that companies need personal advice in this crisis,” explains Waghubinger.

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