Literature day in the Freudenstadt area: organizers and writers scratch their feet – Freudenstadt and the surrounding area

Literature day in the Freudenstadt area: organizers and writers scratch their feet - Freudenstadt and the surrounding area

Together with Sasha Falk and Matthias Kehle, they form the Literary Days organization team: Valle Seyer from Horb. Photo: Kinjale

Literature Day: Kavi Mahotsav organizers and writers are already scratching their feet

The 8th Northern Black Forest Literature Day awaits from September 3 to September 12 with ten near-time events. During this period only Friday, September 10 remains vacant.

The 8th Northern Black Forest Literature Day awaits from September 3 to September 12 with ten near-time events. During this period only Friday, September 10 remains vacant.

The 8th Northern Black Forest Literature Day awaits from September 3 to September 12 with ten near-time events. During this period only Friday, September 10 remains vacant.

Freudenstadt district. Anyone who pays tribute to the written and spoken word needs nothing more to celebrate the nine-day event in Freudenstadt and the surrounding area. For the first time ever a woman opened the Reading Marathon. Along with Katja Oskamp, ​​curator of the Reading Marathon, Sasha Falk, director of the District Folk High School, and authors Vale Sayer and Mathias Kehle, they have found an “ideal solution” to start, as Sayer puts it. While studying in Innsbruck, he got to know and appreciate the native of Leipzig. On Friday, September 3, from 7.30pm on the Freudenstadt Black Forest complex, she will tell a podiatrist’s stories from her highly acclaimed collection “Marzan, Mon Amour”.

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So it goes on in rapid succession over the following days (we reported), with novels, stories, factual texts, documentaries, and poetry excerpts. Eight women and nine men appear in ten events.

So that the literary day was not too heavy, those responsible again took care of material pleasures, forming a long-established relationship with the appetite for reading on two dates. On the one hand, on Thursday, September 9 from 5.30 pm on a literary walk with writer Björn Kern and the head of the Freudenstadt district forestry office, Susan Koulfuss. The announcement states that Kern’s book “In Open Air – Adventure in the Front the Door” describes “revolutionary power being outside”. The participants then meet for a barbecue evening at the Sackmann’s Panorama Hut in Schwarzenberg.

Serious, Cheerful, Provocative and Worth Discussing

On the other hand, on Sunday, 12 September at the Oberer Wald refuge in Losberg-Schömberg from 6 pm onwards there will be a literary and culinary evening with Kathinka Marx and Uwe Baumann on the theme “Wild Boar and Other Things”. To the press, Marx is considered “a great storyteller with a great repertoire of expression”. Baumann is a cookbook author and head of the “Wild Sau des Naturpark Schwarzwald Mitte/Nord” project. Local wild boar dishes are served. Both offers are chargeable.

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A very special evening will be presented to the audience with the book presentation “Jewish Life in the Northern Black Forest”. The occasion is the anniversary year of “1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany”. On Monday, September 6 at 7.30pm at the former Rexingen Synagogue in Horb-Rexingen, editor and school dean Thorsten Trautwein as well as Andrea Detling, Barbara Staudacker and Heinz Högerle will speak.

The motto of the 8th Northern Black Forest Literature Days is “On the long way from one word to another”, framed in a poem by the poet Helmuth Opitz. The program offers serious, cheerful, provocative and debatable things for almost every literary preference.

Sasha Falk, Valle Sayer and Matthias Kehle always make sure that regional writers also get a platform. The women and men involved are all part of an illustrious circle of award-winning poets and writers. With participants from neighboring countries and poets from all over Germany, the people in charge think outside the box.

Participation in events, which are free to the public with the exception of culinary offerings, usually requires registration. Existing rules should be followed to deal with the pandemic. The 3G rule applies – ie “vaccinated, cured, tested”.

The program with a print run of 2000 is available at relevant locations. It can also be viewed on the Internet at

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