Live Lecture Leads Canada – Regensburg District – News

Live Lecture Leads Canada - Regensburg District - News

Christian and Monica Rauscher will take their audience to Canada at Burgersaal starting at 7.30pm on Friday.

October 07, 2021
12:07 pm

Many species of bears live in the rainforest.
Many species of bears live in the rainforest. Photo: Christian Rauscher

Worth.Christian and Monica Rauscher will take their audience to Canada in their current live lecture at Burgersaal starting at 7.30pm today.

The journey first travels through the NW regions from Yellowknife to Whitehorse and then to orcas, grizzlies, black and ghost bears in the Great Bear Rainforest on the west coast. In some, widely varying locations, the population consists mostly of indigenous people, whose totem pole still represents a symbol of their culture’s identity. Tourists rarely get lost in this area. Highways are mostly just gravel roads and the landscape is characterized by endless forests. According to an announcement, Raushers will once again take their visitors to a distant natural parade and rare animals with their paintings and appropriate music.

You can find more articles from this section under Regensburg.

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