LofyGang Hackers Nitro . Lure Discord users with

Wütender Discord-User, dessen Kreditkartendaten gerade von Hackern gestohlen wurden (Symbolbild)

Hacker group LofyGang steals credit card details and login credentials mainly through hacking tools and NPM packages.

Hacker group LofyGang tries to steal credit card details and login credentials through several ready-made hacking tools and NPM packages. Particularly discord users should be especially cautious.

A hacker group called LofyGang has created a company stealing entire credentials. To do this, cybercriminals distributed over 200 malicious packages and manipulated hacking tools through popular code-hosting platforms such as NPM and GitHub.

Many of the affected packages have since disappeared. However, a few others are still available, such as the one in Checkmarx’s Supply Chain Security equipment provided it shows. The security researchers behind the tool try to trace all of LofyGang’s actions to get an overview of their goals and the impact of their actions.

you have one too complete list Malicious npm packages are made available on GitHub. This also shows that LofyGang uses several different accounts to upload packages. By doing so, they fragment their actions as much as possible to avoid mass takedowns.

Credit card details and credentials are popular targets of attackers

LofyGang’s main goals seem to be According to BleepingComputer Credit card details, Discord login details and login information for streaming services and games. A popular target is sometimes Minecraft, which attackers often use to spread malware Abuse, The hackers apparently want to sell compromised user accounts to other criminals on the dark web on Hackers Forum and Discord.

For aspiring hackers, LofyGang provides support for using their hacking tools. For example in the form of video tutorials on YouTube and instructions on the Discord server, which also offers Nitro freebies. with “lofi boostCalled a bot, members can buy Nitro directly with the stolen credit card details.

lofigang youtube channel
The LofyGang YouTube channel has 3850 subscribers (screenshot,

The YouTube channel Checkmarx Security explains in more detail what’s happening on the Discord servers in a video:

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Discord users should beware of LofyGang

Many fake NPM packages distributed by LofyGang masquerade as Discord development packages or color, string, or file operations packages. On the other hand, hacking tools, which include Discord spammers, password stealers or nitro generators, find their way onto their victims’ systems primarily through hacker forums.

In addition, LofyGang’s tool also contains malware that masquerades as a legitimate version of the Discord app and obtains credit card information after the user subscribes through it. However, the actual malicious code for this process is only later loaded as a dependency, so that the manipulated Discord app is often not detected as malware at an earlier stage.


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