Luger Strong Again – National Coach: “Reported Back” – sports news on ice hockey, winter sports and more

Luger Strong Again - National Coach: "Reported Back" - sports news on ice hockey, winter sports and more

After a weak start in Innsbruck, the German lugers are back on the road to success at the World Cup. One is very happy with it.



11.12.2022 | Status : 08:01 am

With three wins at the second World Cup in Whistler, the German lugers have forgotten their poor start to the season.

I’m very pleased with the team’s result, said national coach Norbert Loch after the race in Canada. “I would say that after the Innsbruck weekend we came back very strongly and as a team.”

A day after three-time Olympic champion Felix Loch (Berchtesgaden) won his 50th World Cup victory, Toni Eggert and Sascha Benneken (Ilsenberg/Suhl) achieved doubles success ahead of their teammates and six-time Olympic champions Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt Of. Berchtesgaden/Schönau).

Furthermore, the victorious trio was unbeatable in the final relay competition with individual silver medalist Julia Taubitz from Oberwiesenthal. Jessica Degenhardt and Cheyenne Rosenthal finished third in women’s doubles.

Although the German relay quartet was under great pressure from the Latvians who started directly in front of them, they did their three runs well and held their own just before the competition. The third was the Austrian team.

In women’s doubles, Jessica Degenhardt and Cheyenne Rosenthal from Altenburg and Winterberg were still in the lead after the first round, but were unable to defend it in the second run and fell back in third place. The two Italians Andrea Voter and Marian Oberhofer won ahead of the Austrian pair Selina Eigl and Lara Kip.

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“We’re going slowly and getting the feel for our sleds again,” Eggert said after run two, in which both he and his teammates had the best times, but on the edge of the ice channel. Couldn’t get better through the medium. “Especially going out of the last corner, I wasn’t sure we could still do it. Especially since we only had a lead of 0.002 seconds,” said Benneken, the man behind him.

The third German men’s pair, Hannes Orlmünder and Paul Gubitz, dropped back to fifth place after the third best time in the first run, leaving Austrians Juri Gut and Ricardo Schoff on the podium.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:221211-99-859862/3

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