Madonna rolls on Jimmy Fallon’s table

Madonna rolls on Jimmy Fallon's table

This week, Jimmy Fallon welcomed the Queen of Pop to his Late Night Show. Apart from laughter and conversation, there were some scenes which looked uncomfortable for the host.

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Madonna took the guest chair on The Tonight Show this week Jimmy Fallon Place. Among other things, she talked to the presenter about the fact that she regretted turning down a role in the cult film “Matrix” in the late 1990s. In the end, they both talked about a different topic from the mother of jesus Suddenly he fell on Fallon’s table.

You can watch the scene from minute 1:43 here:

Madonna practically slumped over the wooden table and looked at the camera laughing happily. The audience applauded and the 63-year-old left with her lounge, even as Fallon continued to say: “Wait, wait, wait, stop it. Oh my god!” At last he said he didn’t know what to do and threw his jacket over his guest.

“Nobody saw anything”

When Madonna got up after a few seconds, she said: “No one saw anything.” But when she went back to her seat, she lifted her skirt again.

And that wasn’t the only situation Fallon might have been embarrassed about. Because when Madonna re-enacted a theater scene imagined by an elementary school kid in the “Kid Theater” segment with the presenter, she stood in front of the singer and tried to cover it up. Because she did a dance that sounded a little sexist.

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