Mallorca DJ Mike Kaufman († 54) is dead: Ballerman stars mourn him

Mallorca DJ Mike Kaufman († 54) is dead: Ballerman stars mourn him

Stars, fans and Ballerman’s restaurant mourn. DJ Mike Kaufman is dead. He played at various venues in Mallorca for many years. Now he passed away at the age of 54.

Mallorca DJ Mike Kaufman has passed away. Bowlerman stars express their grief for him online. According to a report in “Mallorca Zeitung”, the musician passed away on Monday, May 2, 2022.

According to the newspaper, he played for years at the Ballerman venues in Upper Bavaria and Megapark. On the latter’s discotheque’s Facebook page, a photo of the DJ says: “It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to a longtime friend and partner. Our condolences are with DJ Mike’s relatives and family. In peace.” Take rest.” Fans expressed their condolences under the post. One person writes: “He was a very nice person.”

Kaufman suffered a stroke in 2017

As the article in “Mallorca Zeitung” suggests, Kaufman suffered a stroke during a performance in 2017. Bar operator Beatrice Sicardini, who knew the artist, said: “He was later physically ill and could no longer work.” Kaufmann’s former neighbor and collaborator, DJ Jurgen Brosda, continued: “He went into rehab after the stroke and was really fine. He looked healthy.”

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