Mallorca: Due to strikes, even swimming on the beaches is in danger of being banned! – News abroad

Mallorca: Due to strikes, even swimming on the beaches is in danger of being banned!  - News abroad

Palma (Majorca) – First strike warning at Mallorca airportHit the alarm on the beaches, now! The holiday spirit has long given way to despair. Now we’re at risk of the next setback: a ban on bathing on beaches!

Reason: On Thursday, the Lifeguards Union (Union de Socoristas de Mallorca) decided to exit July 16, Reported “Mallorcazeitung” on Friday,

For vacationers, this means swimming in the sea may be banned on July 16 as there are no lifeguards on site to ensure their safety. After this the beaches will be closed. In the middle of high season!

For weeks, lifeguards at the beach have been drawing attention to their situation with the campaign: They complain about overworked employees and poor pay. Another requirement is the longer observation period of twelve hours and the longer period from Easter to winter, rather than just summer. And the Watchtower renovation is also overdue.

Mallorca.  A lifeguard at a watchtower on a beach in

Mallorca. A lifeguard at a watchtower on a beach inPhoto: DPA

In fact, employees are not allowed to go on strike. Beach positions have a legal minimum staffing. But the Sangh sees no other way and wants to ignore the ban.

The contractual partner is the City Hall of Palma, talks are underway with unions – but without the Union de Socoristas de Mallorca, which is ready to go on strike!

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