Mallorca’s landlord secretly filmed hundreds of women in toilets. news

Mallorca's landlord secretly filmed hundreds of women in toilets.  news

disgusting spanner trap ,

Malle-Vert secretly films women in the toilet

The worse tense allegation against a 42-year-old Mallorca host!

The man is said to have secretly filmed at least 38 women while they were in the toilet. This is reported by “Diario de Mallorca”. The police are also afraid that hundreds of women must have spoiled them.

According to the newspaper report, the accused used to run an unspecified restaurant in the middle of the tourist destination Palma. The owner of the pub is said to have carried out the scandalous scam for two years.

Photo shows water bottle, technology and lenses hidden behind fake labels

Photo shows a manipulated water bottle: technology and camera lens hidden behind a false label

Photo: National Police

The spanner mess blew up as a woman found the bottle and took it to the police. There he testified that he had found a similar device in the toilet in 2020 and threw it away.

Incredibly sneaky: The camera and microphone – highly professional equipment according to police – were hidden in a water bottle. The lens was so small that it could be hidden behind a fake label. The rest of the technology was pasted on the back of a sticker by the restaurant owner. The camera had a motion detector, so it only turned on after the customer entered the booth.

With the help of modern technology, 42-year-old filmed probably hundreds of women on the toilet

With the help of modern technology, 42-year-old filmed probably hundreds of women on the toilet

Photo: National Police

Majorcan officials then stormed the bar owner’s apartment and confiscated all storage media there and at the bar. Investigators seized a total of 44 memory cards, most of which were 32 gigabytes in size.

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According to initial estimates, there should be around 5,000 videos. Investigators have already identified 38 women. However, it is difficult to identify other potential victims, as most women only see the lower half of their body.

A police statement shows that there is no evidence that the 42-year-old shared the distorted material online. The innkeeper was arrested during the raid and is to appear in court next Tuesday.

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