Many accidents in Leipzig area: cyclist seriously injured

Many accidents in Leipzig area: cyclist seriously injured

On Wednesday, cyclists were injured in several accidents in Leipzig. A 34-year-old woman was so seriously injured in the collision that she had to be hospitalized.

Cyclists ignored

In the evening, Silete was accompanied by another cyclist on Milgitzer Straज़रe, on the bicycle path west of Leipzig, opposite the direction of travel. A 62-year-old driver intended to turn right from Eisenweg in Bergen-Rückmersdorf, but ignored the pair.

The woman crashed into the car and was seriously injured. Your partner was able to apply the brakes on time, but also fell. Both wheels broke. The driver is now responsible for negligent bodily harm.

Motorist escaped after accident

Further south, a cyclist fell from his bike when a driver tried to overtake him at around 2:20 a.m. at Brückenstra 2: e, but not keeping enough distance. The driver drove, but was identified a short time later. He is now being investigated for unauthorized eviction from the accident site. The woman suffered minor injuries from the fall.

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