“Many insulation materials are in danger of fire” – Science and Technology

"Many insulation materials are in danger of fire" - Science and Technology

Fire experts from the professional fire department said that in climate-friendly insulated buildings, the insulation material can act as a fire accelerator.

A fire broke out on the 15th floor of a skyscraper in Milan from Sunday to Monday. The fire spread with lightning speed in the building, which was only eleven years old. Some of the fires are reminiscent of the high-rise fire in London Kensington in July four years ago. At the same time the insulation material also caught fire. The building was 43 years old but was renovated shortly before the fire. The fire spread to the newly insulated, rear-ventilated facade within minutes. 72 people were killed.

Buildings with climate-friendly insulation are prone to fire due to the insulation materials used. They can act as fire accelerators, said Francesca Monti, a fire specialist with the Bolzano Fire Brigade.

As in the case of a tall building in Milan, materials are often used that are excellent insulators and, due to their structure, act as fire accelerators even when sparks are flying. The guidelines have been issued in view of the high interest in construction or renovation in a climate friendly manner. Along with a decree from 2019 is a guide that the Office for Fire Prevention has developed in conjunction with the Climate House Agency. There are no guarantees, however, Monty insisted.


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