Many restrictions for citizens: Friuli now injects insecticide over West Nile virus fears

Many restrictions for citizens: Friuli now injects insecticide over West Nile virus fears

Fearing multiple infections from West Nile virus transmitted by mosquitoes, more and more communities in Friuli are now spraying insecticides. According to Friulian media, there are currently 14 infected people in the area. Some of them are in hospitals, but fortunately none are in intensive care at the moment. The situation is different in the Veneto region, where there are currently 29 infected people and people have already died after infection.

Local politicians, such as those in Sacile, are now pushing for insecticide spraying in their community, after spraying in nearby Aviano. Insecticides are also used in Turiaco near Grado, around Udine and near Tolmezzo.

Strict rules for residents

Citizens are made aware of the use of the sprayer with information leaflets, the use is announced with the time and date, and the following prohibitions apply during this period:

  • Pets are not allowed outside
  • you have to keep the windows and doors closed
  • Don’t leave the laundry outside to dry
  • Fruits and vegetables from orchards near treated community roads should not be consumed for 72 hours. If they are harvested after this time, they should be extensively washed before consumption.

In Pasciano, Mayor Eddie Pickinin also issued an ordinance asking all citizens not to leave objects that could collect rainwater until October 31. “Items from which water is collected must be emptied daily,” according to the regulation.

vaccination of horses

Horse enthusiasts who take their horses out to sea for the popular equestrian ride from the end of the high season have the opportunity to vaccinate their animals. There is no approved vaccine for humans.

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