Marie Rose pays 350 euros a month: I don’t want my pension. Entertainment

Marie Rose pays 350 euros a month: I don't want my pension.  Entertainment

He has been on stage for over 60 years and is one of Germany’s most famous hit stars. But Marie Ross (73, “Only Love Lets Us Live”) also celebrated great success in France.

Now the singer has written her autobiography.

Mary Rose at the ZDF Hit Parade in 1985

Mary Rose at the ZDF Hit Parade in 1985

Photo: Imago/United Archives

Bild am Sonntag: Ms. Roose, you are indeed a pensioner…

Mary Rose: “Yes. I am officially entitled to a plate of a senior for six years. But quitting my job because of this was not in question for me. Incidentally, I don’t even take a pension – not even a cent!”

Why not?

Rose: “When my pension notice came, I came to know that I am entitled to 350 Euro a month. I didn’t expect so little money. So I involuntarily called the pension insurance company and asked them to give my pension to someone who needed more money than me. ,

“I was never thrifty, but smart,” the singer says of herself

Photo: Niels Starnick / BILD AM SONNTAG

And was it accepted?

Rose: “Yeah. The friendly lady on the phone was surprised, as she had never experienced anything like this before. She asked me if I really meant – 350 euros is a lot of money. I agreed with her, but reiterated that I wanted my pension I want to leave irrevocably.

but why?

Rose: “As a self-employed person, I had not paid into the pension fund for decades. So I did not want anything back from the state. I asked the officer to give the amount to those who really need the money .

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Do you think this really happened?

Rose: “I don’t know. For me, that was the end of the matter. I never heard of pension insurance again after that.”

Couldn’t you give your pension to the needy yourself?

Rose: “No. I didn’t want the money or all the paperwork that went with it. I told the pension fund please take care of it.

Autobiography of Marie Rose: “Aufrecht Gehn”, 272 pages, 22 euros

Photo: Rowohlt

Are you rich enough that you don’t need 350 euros a month?

Rose: “I have developed the squirrel mentality over the years and in good summers I always keep some nuts aside for winters. Besides, I’ve only paid for something if I can pay for it. I was never frugal, but smart. ,

You also supported her ex-husband Werner Böhm († 78) after the divorce.

Rose: “I’ve always been generous, including my two ex-husbands. Months after we separated from Werner, unpaid bills kept flowing into the house, all of which I paid for her because I felt sorry for her creditors. She tens was in a thousand.

Marie Ross and Werner Bohm were married from 1982 to 1989.  They have a son (Julian, 36)

Marie Ross and Werner Bohm were married from 1982 to 1989. They have a son (Julian, now 36)

photo: picture combine / dpa

In the era of inflation, many people are afraid that they may become poor in old age. not you?

Rose: “No. I never thought of becoming poor again, nor do I fear it. Even in earlier times, when money was tight for me, I was sure that things would always go on somehow. And it was like that.”

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The prospects of earning money at the age of 73 are no longer that far-fetched.

Rose: “I won’t make any more records or give concerts, but of course I’ll sit around doing nothing for the rest of my life. I’ll give readings and be on the theater stage again. Maybe I’ll even open a cafe. I certainly won’t be bored.”

This article comes from BILD am SONNTAG. Full issue e-paper available Here,

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