Mario Party Superstars: A Graphic Comparison with All Known Mini-Games and Nintendo 64 Templates – ntower

Mario Party Superstars

Highlights of the one that aired on Tuesday Nintendo Direct | E3 2021 Undoubtedly the announcement was Mario Party Superstar For Nintendo Switch. The latest branch of the popular party game series United five classic game boards From the N64 beginning of the series 100 Iconic Mini-Games and seeks to inspire fans of the Classics as well as new players alike.

Shortly after the announcement, the GameXplain site set out to compile previously known mini-games and compare recordings shown in Nintendo Direct and Nintendo Treehouse with game sequences related to Mario Party titles for the N64. This combination gives a good impression of the innovations that await you in Mario Party Superstars.

All previously known mini-games of Mario Party Superstars

A Graphic Comparison Between Mario Party Superstars and Nintendo 64 Templates

Furthermore, observant Twitter user Misty Skylight pointed out that Mario Party Superstars not only upped the look of the mini-games, but also made one of the games out of the game by adding additional patterns. Also for color blind players makes it accessible. In direct comparison you can see that the level has been adjusted accordingly.

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