Mars throws bar unaffected by “Celebration” box – Poll denies decision

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This is what the new “Celebration” box looks like without the “Bounty”. © Mars Wrigley

Mars is testing the Bounty candy bar from the popular Celebration Box. In one poll, however, it is the second most popular bar in the box.

Vierson – Mars Wrigley’s famous “Celebration” box holds eight of the manufacturer’s best chocolate bars. It is clear that some people like this bar and others less. Now, however, the company is announcing changes to its special occasion box. A little while ago a chocolate bar flies Christmas Celebration out of the box.

Mars throws a candy bar out of the popular “Celebration” box

like the british daily mail As reported online, the “Bounty” bar will no longer be included in the candy box. So instead of eight bars in the “Celebration” box there are only seven: Galaxy, Galaxy Caramel, Malteser, Mars, Milky Way, Snickers and Twix. However, this is just a test for the time being. The modified product will be available for purchase from British supermarket chain Tesco from 8 November. Anyone who has already purchased a box that still has a “bounty” can exchange it for a new one for free starting November 8th.

These Bars Are in Mars’ New “Celebration” Box

  • Galaxy
  • Galaxy Caramel
  • moltiz
  • Mars planet
  • Galaxy
  • prank
  • Twix

Chocolate Bar Celebration pops out of the box: Bounty in second place among favorite bars according to survey

The decision came after more than a third of Britons admitted they did not want a ‘bounty’ in a festive candy box. However, the constantly updated survey on the “Celebration” homepage does not reflect a perceived hatred of the “bounty” bar. Because there, 19 percent of those surveyed said “Bounty” was their favorite bar. Only “Galaxy” is even more popular with 21 percent.

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