Martin Rutter: Shock after the show – the dog had a fatal attack

Martin Rutter: Shock after the show - the dog had a fatal attack

Martin Rutter: Shocking news from “Die Unvermitelbaier” – dog fatally attacked

RTL: This is how it all started on the broadcaster

RTL: This is how it all started on the broadcaster

The private TV station RTL aired in Germany on 2 January 1984. At that time the station was called RTL Plus. The abbreviation “RTL” is derived from the name “Radio Television Luxembourg”. The TV station was created as an offshoot of the German-language radio program “Radio Luxembourg”.

show details

dog professional Martin Rueter RTL are in the first season of the show “Die Unvermitelbere – Mitt”. Martin Rueter“Everything from animal shelters to four-legged friends. As the name suggests, show dogs have long been in shelters because finding new owners for them is difficult, if not impossible. Great feelings are inevitable.

But what happened to the hero “Maushen” no one expected. His new owner, Thimo Sawyer, has done everything to give a good new life to his new family member. But then this terrible incident happened.

Martin Rutter: Dog loses his temper and attacks

Bernhadiner “Maushen” actually settled in the well. But then something happens that no one expected: the male kills the other dog. It all happened while walking in the park. Because the camera team is not there, Martin Rutter tells of the horrific events.


ie Martin Rutter:

  • Martin Rutter was born on 22 June 1970 in Duisburg
  • After studying sports science, he trained as an animal psychologist
  • In 2008 Vox started its own show “Der Hundeprofe”.
  • Rutter also now moderates the RTL show “Martin Rutter – The Puppies Are Coming”.
  • He has also written various books on dog training and not only has his own shop, but also a podcast
  • With his new show “Die Unvermitelbare” he wants to give dogs a chance at a new life from the shelter
  • Martin Rutter also has his own shop and dog school


Martin Rutter: Has “Moshen” lost its chance now?

“He didn’t make a mistake, I did,” says dog owner Thimo Sawyer. and also Martin Rueter Standing behind two gentlemen. It was simply a “series of unfavorable circumstances”. And so the masters decide: “Maushen” can remain. In the future, however, the male will only go out with the muzzle.

Despite the events, Martin Rutter now confirms in an Instagram Live video that the show’s second season will be “Die Unvermitelbaier – Mitt Martin Rutter”.


more news about Martin Rutter:

Martin Rutter: Dog professionals resort to drastic measures – “we screwed up too”

Martin Rutter: TV star makes a candid announcement for dog owners: “Total bullshit”

Martin Rutter: Sad Words – “Not All Dogs Made It”

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This is not the only extraordinary incident that happened during the shooting of “Die Unvermitelbaier – MIT Martin Rutter”. Here you can read what happened to the dog Axl.

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