The campus in Martinsade will completely change its face over the next ten years. All buildings of the Max Planck Society (MPG) are gradually being demolished and replaced by new ones. The motto is: “The new scientific orientation of the U-Bahn-oriented top international research: a completely refurbished campus,” Christoph Nagel-Hirshauer from the German MPG General Administration said on Tuesday to Plenegger municipal councils. The massive project is being financed with 500 million Euros, which the Free State is providing with special funding specifically for the Martinsade campus.
The buildings of the Max Planck Institutes have been under construction for years.
(Photo: Katharina Hayes)
For more than half a century, the Max Planck Society’s institutions in Martinsried have formed the heart of the sprawling campus with universities, the Bio-Center and the Innovation and Start-up Center (IZB) for Biotechnology. Nagel-Hirshauer at the local council said the 50-year-old flat building shows strong signs of wear. The construction of the metro from Groadern to campus triggered MPI’s deliberations for a total solution: “We want to create an ecologically-oriented, as climate-neutral as possible, a newly oriented scientific institution, a center for modern biosciences.” International Lighthouse Project.” The motto is “towards the subway”, and associated with it is a mobility concept that “moves away from the car” and strives for shorter distances. In the past, the MPG “did not take advantage of existing building rights”; Ultimately, it was about the redevelopment of an area of 75,000 square meters. And: “We want to use less floor space. That means we’re going to build something, four to five floors.” The current design with flat buildings means “more ceilings” and is not “future-oriented”.
Open days have been attracting many visitors over the years.
(Photo: Johannes Simon)
From 2026 – the same time as the U6 becomes operational – “partial dismantling” is planned. Smaller parts of the building – such as the animal house – could be continued to be used, and the temporary use of containers is also being considered. “We have plenty of space,” Nagel-Hirshauer said. In any case, operations will “continue”, even if restrictions are expected. First of all, new buildings will be constructed in two phases, only then will the transfer take place. Also think about temporary arrangements. A new boarding house is also planned. The community has a central role in planning. It only takes two years to prepare the development plan – “a sporty undertaking”, says Ursula Jensen from the building authority. If Nagel-Hirshauer, who is also an architect, is wanted, a new data center would be a priority. In addition, there is a “own power supply complex”, negotiations are ongoing with municipal utilities. Day care centers will soon be replaced by temporary arrangements. Nagel-Hirschauer is yet to say whether there will be a European awards process and architectural competitions.
The kids are equally excited about the open house.
(Photo: Stephen Rumpf)
Local councils and Mayor Hermann Nafziger (CSU) of all parliamentary groups were affected. Nafziger believes in a “win-win situation” for everyone involved. Several speakers praised the intention to use tall buildings to reduce the space required. Nagel-Hirshauer assured that “no tall buildings” were planned, with the ecological aspects rated “very high”. Everything should be ready by 2033.
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