“Mask Singer” – This Football Legend Was In Hammer-Hay – TV

"Mask Singer" - This Football Legend Was In Hammer-Hay - TV

He also changed his pace for this performance.

The “Masked Singer” jury got down to a real guessing fervor Saturday evening. After a pepper outing from Tageschau spokesman Jens Riva (58) last week, it was time to uncover the next outfit.

The hammerhead shark in particular punished the shark again. There was talk of “ha-par, ha-par” – and he seems to be a real star, too. In his clue, Party Shark reveals: “The crowd in my fan’s shop is hotter than ever.”

With “Vamos a la Playa” and “Another One Bite the Dust” he created a lot of atmosphere in the studio. Juror Ree Garvey (48) immediately advised: “Put it quite silly: Thomas ha-yo!” Ruth Moschner (45) liked to pick up the ball: “Ya hai-the klum!”

Moderator Matthias Opdenhovel (51) was dragged into the word play Vortex: “Now let’s start guessing the big shark!”

But Ruth Moschner had the next tip ready: “We saw it in MAZ, oceans. It could be a sign of a world champion. Pierre Litbarsky. But we all still know his sensational feet, which somehow against it.” Speak. Sharks have no bow legs…”

Gastjurorin Janine Ullmann (39) and Juror Rie Garvey (48)

Gastjurorin Janine Ullmann (39) and Juror Rie Garvey (48) Photo: Rolf Weinbernad / dpa

Guest juror Janine Ullmann (39) had already arrived at Comedy Corner: “It could also be Aetz Schröder, I think.”

A moderator’s name then came up: “Elton. Elton can’t sing. But I think the mood of the party and the tone of voice speak for Elton. Pink and yellow are definitely Elton’s favorite colors!”

At the end of the show, the party-loving hammer shark had to tremble. Along with his “Masked Singer” opponents Stinktier and Axolotl, he hadn’t received enough calls and had to worry about moving on.

Result shortly after: Shark had to leave the show! Sadly, she accepted the news and made Matthias Opdenhovel feel sorry for her: “Glubsky’s eyes edged!” The jury puzzled again – and suddenly came to the corner with completely new ideas. Janine Ullman, now also a footballer, guessed: “I thought of Elton. It hadn’t happened to me before.”

Opdenhövel was already back in the word game: “Ya hai-lton!” Ruth Moschner, however, was still completely convinced that another soccer star was hiding beneath the shark costume: “I just believe it, even if I think about it. ‘T explain: it’s Pierre Litbarsky upstairs. Yes, someone else is down.”

And in fact: the shark costume had soccer world champion Pierre Litbarsky

And in fact: the shark costume had soccer world champion Pierre LitbarskyPhoto: Rolf Weinbernad / dpa

When the shark finally took off his mask, the riddle was solved: Pierre Litbarsky (61), soccer world champion since 1990, was wearing a hammerhead shark costume not only on top, but on the bottom as well! First he had to explain why he wasn’t recognized from the aisle – he just pretended to be: “It’s so hard. Can I walk normally again now?”

A true world champion in “The Masked Singer” – but Pierre Litbarsky never thought about football: “It was the highlight of my life. More beautiful than Rome. And even more exhausting than Rome. “

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