Max Payne and Max Payne 2 get remakes for PS5, Xbox series and PC • JPGAMES.DE

Max Payne and Max Payne 2 get remakes for PS5, Xbox series and PC • JPGAMES.DE

the remedy is entertainment New Max Payne 1 And 2 Project announced, Two new versions of the series are combined under this alias, namely Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Work on the remake is already underway. Remedy Entertainment has partnered with Rockstar Games, which also act as publishers.

Max Payne games once enjoyed many fans and are now considered classics of the genre. With a neo-noir atmosphere, an interesting storyline, but above all “bullet-time” gameplay, you can win over many fans.

Remakes have been made in the Northlight engine (Control, Quantum Break) for the PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox series. Rockstar Games contributes to the development budget. It is said to have “a specific AAA development scope”.

“We were thrilled when our old friends at Remedy approached us to remake the original Max Payne game,” said Rockstar Games founder Sam Houser. “We are huge fans of the work that the Remedy team has created over the years and we can’t wait to play these new versions.”

“Max Payne at Remedy has always held a special place in everyone’s hearts, and we know that millions of fans around the world feel the same way,” said Tero Vartala, CEO of Remedy. “We are very excited to once again work with our partners at Rockstar Games to provide players with new ways to experience the story, action and atmosphere of the original Max Payne game.”

Images: Max Payne 2, Rockstar Games

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