Media Alert: Hearts of Iron IV’s next major expansion continues today

Media Alert: Hearts of Iron IV's next major expansion continues today

The long-awaited expansion of the Eastern Front Hearts of Iron IV Available now. Paradox Interactive’s best-selling grand strategy game lets players relive the bitter battle between Berlin and Moscow with new alternate story paths for multiple participating countries. In addition, the add-on brings major changes to the command of the army and updates in the areas of supply and design of units. no step back Now available at 19.99 Euro (RRP) across all major online stores.

the heart of no step back New to the Soviet Union, there is a much broader national focus tree. It offers players many new possibilities to decide how they want to shape the fate of a country that is fighting for its life. Anything is open to them, from restoring the Romanov dynasty to establishing a more open democratic system or ruling with the iron hand of the Communist Party.

As usual, this extension is used Hearts of Iron IV With a major update free of charge for all players, which includes new supply and logistics mechanisms as well as many improvements in playability.

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i love it!

i love it!

not so great!

not so great!

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