Mega Recall at Aldi, Lidl and Rewe: Pathogens in Over 30 Products

Mega Recall at Aldi, Lidl and Rewe: Pathogens in Over 30 Products

This recall is tough: Suspected salmonella causes one company to recall more than 30 condiments. Products from Aldi, Lidl, Rewe, Penny and Norma are on offer.

Kreuzworthheim – After a genuine wave of summer-only recalls across Germany due to food contaminated with carcinogenic ethylene oxide, there is now the next big recall. This time the focus is on just one manufacturer of spices, but their products can be found in almost every well-known supermarket – and not just in Germany.

rod shaped bacteria salmonella
Family enterobacterian
Disease salmonellosis
Symptoms diarrhoea, headache and abdominal pain, malaise and sometimes vomiting, fever

Remember: Spices Contaminated With Salmonella – Manufacturer Pulls Rip Cord

In particular, the manufacturer recalls spices and spice blends from Raimund Hoffmann GmbH. The company, based in Kreuzworthheim in Baden-Württemberg, sells its products through a number of subsidiaries and their brands. And these are offered in Aldi Nord and Süd, Norma, Lidl, Penny and Rewe, among others. The company also supplies Supermarkets and Discounters in Austria, Belgium, Portugal and Italy. Hence the scope of the recall is accordingly large.

Raimund Hoffmann GmbH had already informed about the recall on Friday (24 September) and announced that Salmonella could be detected in a sample as part of a control. The bacteria can cause severe symptoms in humans.

Mega Spice Recall: Over 30 Products Affected – Also at Lidl, Aldi and Reeve

During the test, bacteria were found in basil. Further samples were unclear, the group assured. Although the raw material makes up only a small percentage of the spice mix, its consumption can cause health problems. However, since Tulsi is contained in a large number of spice blends, the company has now recalled the affected batches for precautionary consumer protection reasons. The following spices are particularly affected in Germany:

  • Aldi North and South: Le Gusto Steckpfeffer
    Batch Number: 124605, 124598, 124847
    Best before date: 11/2023 and 06/2024
  • Globus: Fiona Italian Blend of Spices
    Ingredients: 15 grams
    Batch Number: 125799, 126677
    Best before date: 07/2023 and 09/2023
  • Globe: Fiona Basil
    Ingredients: 12 grams
    Batch Number: 126224
    Best before date: 09/2023
  • Norma: Villa Gusto Ceramic Mill, Catalan herbal blend
    Batch Number: 125519, 126149, 126131
    Best before date: 06/2023
  • Norma: Villa Gusto Ceramic Mill Mediterranean Seasoning Salt
    Batch Number: 125518, 126130, 126126, 126229
    Best before date: 05/2023, 06/2023, 08/2023
  • Norma: Oasis of Italian Herb Spices in a Can
    Batch Number: 125711, 126051, 126255
    Best before date: 07/2023, 08/2023
  • Norma: Oasis of Herbs de Provence Spices in a Can
    Batch Number: 125708, 126050, 126254
    Best before date: 07/2023, 08/2023
  • Norma: Fiona Italian Herbs in a Can
    Batch Number: 124128, 125163, 126063
    Best before date: 04/2023, 05/2023, 07/2023
  • Norma: Fiona Herbes de Provence in a Can
    Batch Number: 124127, 125162, 126060
    Best before date: 05/2023, 07/2023
  • Norma: Oasis of Spice Pouches for Roast Chicken
    Batch Number: 124393, 124910, 125265, 125596, 126699, 126438
    Best before date: 06/2023, 12/2023
  • Norma: The Oasis of Spices Pouches of Italian Herbs
    Batch Number: 124441, 124939, 125602
    Best before date: 06/2023, 12/2023
  • Norma: Oasis of Catalan Seasoning Salt & Spice Pouches
    Batch Number: 123439, 125267
    Best before date: 06/2023
  • Norma: Oasis of Spices Pouch Herbs de Provence
    Batch Number: 125001, 125605, 126443
    Best before date: 06/2023, 12/2023
  • Norma: Oasis Pouch of Spices Pizza Herbs
    Batch Number: 125647, 123452
    Best before date: 06/2023, 12/2023
  • Norma: OASE of the Spice Bag of Mediterranean Seasoning Salt
    Batch Number: 125643, 124662, 124323
    Best before date: 06/2023, 12/2023
  • Norma: Oasis of the Spice Bag Basil
    Batch Number: 124508, 124946, 125595
    Best before date: 06/2023, 12/2023
  • Norma: First-Class Bavarian Herbs in a Tin Can
    Batch Number: 126338
    Best before date: 03/2024
  • Penny & Reeve: Grill Party Steak Sheriff
    Batch Number: 124533
    Best before date: 11/2023
  • Penny & Reeve: Aromico Pizza
    Batch Number: 125568
    Best before date: 01/2024
  • Penny & Reeve: Aromico Bolognese
    Batch Number: 125568
    Best before date: 01/2024
  • Lidl: Kaniya Masala Preparation Italian Style
    Ingredients: 50 grams
    Batch Number: 123715, 124445, 124746, 125213
    Best before date: 08/2023, 11/2023
  • Lidl: Kania Spice Blend “Perfect for Bolognese”
    Ingredients: 75 grams
    Batch Number: 124920, 125472, 125656, 126355, 126688
    Best before date: 12/2023, 02/2024
  • Lidl: Kania Masala Salt “Perfect for” gyros
    Batch Number: 124921, 125473, 125657, 126356, 126689
    Best before date: 12/2023, 02/2024
  • Remo: 4-Way Salad Herbs
    Batch Number: 124843, 125349, 126568
    Best before date: 05/2023, 06/2023, 07/2023
  • Remo: 4-Way Grill Seasoning Salt
    Batch Number: 125731
    Best before date: 05/2023
  • Relags and Moreva: 4-Way Salad Herbs
    Batch Number: 126076, 125349, 126144
    Best before date: 03/2023, 05/2023, 06/2023
  • Zenos: Shaker Bruschetta Spice
    Batch Number: 125683, 126204
    Best before date: 03/2023, 02/2023
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Among other things, these two spices from Lidl are influenced by the mega recall.

© Raimund Hoffmann GmbH, College: RUHR24

XXL Spices Recall: Salmonella Discovered in Basil

In addition to the spices mentioned, several grocers in Portugal, Austria, Belgium and Italy have also been affected by the recall. the manufacturer names these current message (PDF). The company also advises that eating foods contaminated with salmonella can be dangerous to your health.

Specifically, according to the Robert Koch Institute, it can mean the following: Salmonella disease usually appears within a few days of infection, that is, after ingesting the bacteria. So the typical symptoms are: diarrhoea, abdominal pain, sometimes vomiting and mild fever.

However, affected people who believe they have been infected with salmonella should not take the infection lightly. According to the RKI, serious illness can occur in infants, children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Like those in whom symptoms do not subside after a few days, you should definitely consult a doctor and advise them of a possible salmonella infection (more callback on RUHR24).

Remember Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Norma: It is better not to consume spices

It is not uncommon for food to be contaminated with salmonella. Ek Masala was affected by only one recall in July this year. Poor hygiene, inadequate heating or improper storage, especially raw meat, fish or eggs, can lead to contamination with pathogens.

In the case of spices, the manufacturer states that heating can reduce the risk of infection. Still, customers who have Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Co. Spices and spice mixes affected by it, they should no longer consume them. As always with recalls, they can be returned without even presenting a receipt. Thereafter the cost will be reimbursed.

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Header List Image: © Sven Hoppe/DPA; College: RUHR24

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