FromInes Alberti
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Melania Trump never saw that the role of the first lady was her lifelong dream. His former best friend now says: Nobody saw him like this.
- Stephanie Winston Vulcoff is a former best friend and former mentor Melania Trump All First Lady.
- she has a Disclosure book Wrote about Melania Trump.
- Volkoff now says that Melania got the first woman No budget or staff Had to do something.
Washington, DC – If you review the last four years in the White House, the former is likely First lady melania trump Many times the mind’s eye is not visible. And if so, mostly as a waxy, silent husband of her husband, who could – if at all – bring herself to smile. She did not feel comfortable in her role and returned during her husband Donald Trump’s term as US President. Angry Tongue claimed that the real first lady was Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump. In fact, she was also more internationally than Melania.
Melania Trump Never respected by anyone as a first lady: These are tough words used by event manager and Melania’s former best friend, Stephanie Winston Valkoff. In her book “Melanie and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friends with the First Lady”, which was published in the USA last September, she unpacks all kinds of things about the 50-year-old. Among other things, that no one considered him in his role first Lady Should have been taken seriously.
Former Advisor to Melania Trump: “Nobody Recognized Her as First Lady”
Wokoff said in a radio show that no one expected Melania Trump to be effective. Even though Volkoff, who spent a year as an unpaid consultant first Lady Was active, looked forward to “something really changing in the world”. However, he realized then Melania Trump There was no budget or staff to do anything.
Ivanka Trump builds on women’s empowerment with the then IMF chief Christine LeGarde and German Chancellor Angela Merkel internationally.
© Kneitfeld / DPA
Most of the budget Melania Trump Be from Ivanka Trump And her husband Jared Kushner has been claimed. Volkoff said he had to withhold his salary so that employees could be hired to prepare the White House’s eastern wing for Ivanka and Jared. The former is traditionally winged first Lady your office.
The affair of the East Wing showed Volkoff that “no one recognized her as the First Lady of the United States of America.” Ivanka Trump On the other hand, at the beginning of her father’s term, it was suggested that the “First Lady Office” be renamed “First Family Office” – underscoring that there was tension in Ivanka and Melania’s relations at the time. (Ines Alberti)
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