Future company headquarters in Ingolstadt: Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte
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Meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG and Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG plan to merge as “meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG” to become one of the leading cooperative banks in Germany. What will change for area employees and customers as a result.
Rosenheim – Representatives of Volksbank Raiffeisenbank still have to be a little patient. In early summer 2023, he will be asked to cast his deciding vote on the merger at delegate meetings. The legal merger is intended to take place retrospectively on January 1, 2023, and the technical merger is due in the autumn of 2023.
In future, the combined bank will look after about half a million commercial and private customers in an economically sound business sector. “In the future, we will be able to maintain and carry forward the benefits of customer proximity and regional presence, because of a strong position as defining characteristics of our Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken,” says Wolfgang Altmüller, CEO of Mine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank EG. Huh.
My Volksbank Raiffeisenbank in Rosenheim
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Richard Ridgemeier, CEO of Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eg, says: “By sharing our resources, we can attractively bundle services, implement new digital processes more quickly and thus provide advice for our customers.” and continue to focus our business activities on service.”
Sustainable benefits for employees, members, customers and regions
The Management Board and Supervisory Board of both the banks categorically supported the merger. Together, the two banks emphasize a number of benefits that accrue to everyone involved: jobs for nearly 2,000 employees will remain closer to home, and new career opportunities in many locations. With over 200,000 members, a strong community is created that creates visible added value in the regions as well as ensures the provision of personalized support and credits on site. Proximity to customers and personal contacts at around 130 locations are still the focus of the new regional bank – the main locations being Rosenheim, Altötting and Ingolstadt.
The merger strengthens its role as a vital partner for the regional economy through its commitment to socially responsible action in sport and cultural life, as well as to local and regional clubs and associations. The new institute offers lucrative training and career opportunities. Against the background of significant changes in the banking sector, meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG and Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG seek to actively address these challenges and opportunities. With the planned merger, they will strengthen their position as a stable and reliable anchor across all segments of the business sector.
Facts & Figures
My Volksbank Raiffeisenbank EG, Rosenheim:
Legal domicile: Rosenheim
Business areas: the districts of Rosenheim, Altötting, Traunstein, Misbach, Mühldorf and Munich
Largest co-operative bank in Bavaria with 85 locations and over 1,200 employees
Over 120,000 members, over 300,000 subscribers
Total assets: 10.6 billion euros, subscriber volume: 21.9 billion euros
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitt eg Ingolstadt:
Legal domicile: Ingolstadt
Business areas: districts of Ingolstadt, Eichstadt, Pfaffenhofen, Kelheim, Landshut, Weisenberg-Gunzenhausen
Third largest co-operative bank in Bavaria with 44 locations and over 700 employees
About 90,000 members and about 175,000 subscribers
Total assets: 5 billion euros, customer volume: 10.8 billion euros
(New) Bank:
Legal domicile: Rosenheim Main locations: Rosenheim, Altötting and Ingolstadt
Largest co-operative bank in Bavaria with 129 locations and about 2,000 employees
Over 200,000 members, nearly 500,000 subscribers
Total balance sheet: about 16 billion euros, customer volume: over 32 billion euros
Benefits for two partner banks
Meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG and Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG have been working together in various fields for many years. Both the banks are now combining their strengths to form a comprehensive service provider and complement each other in their business model. Comprehensive financial services are offered to private and corporate clients in all urban and rural areas. Regional presence and personal customer relationships are values that both banks live by – today and tomorrow.
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