Michael Wendler celebrates “victory” against judge

Michael Wendler celebrates "victory" against judge

The warrant was issued against the hit star after he repeatedly failed to appear in court. Michael Wendler has now been able to successfully stop it, as he enthusiastically announced.

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that Michael Wendler It’s no secret that the German judiciary has been in trouble for years. It should be one thing above all: debt. Tax office should demand one lakh amount from singer, Many former business partners are also waiting for their money.

proceedings to fail foreclosure

Proceedings are currently underway against the 49-year-old for aiding and abetting the criminal. For this purpose, several dates had already been set over the past few months when Michael Wendler should have appeared. But the US-based pop star did not come and was represented by his lawyer at the last minute in July.

This time the judge in charge did not play along. She requested the singer’s presence and issued an arrest warrant against him. Meaning: As soon as Michael Wendler set foot on German soil, he would have been arrested and brought before the court. The singer then claimed on his Telegram channel that the process was inconsistent, that his lawyer could represent him “perfectly legally” and that he would file a complaint against the judge.

“A Great Victory of Justice”

And it was really successful. “The District Court of Duisburg has canceled the arrest warrant issued against me by the Dinslaken District Court with immediate effect,” Michael Wendler announced on Telegram on Friday. The court confirmed the repeal of “Bante”.

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The judge was also punished for “exceeding his goal”, the reason given to him in writing, Singer said, calling it a “great victory for justice”. Michael Wendler once again clarified and emphasized: “I will continue to fight for my rights, as his lawyer had “absolute power of attorney with whom he could testify and contribute to the establishment of the truth.” ” I am neither a criminal nor have I committed the offense of which I am accused.”

The background of the proceedings is the liquidation of the record company CNI Records by his ex-wife. Claudia Norberg And had to file for bankruptcy in 2016. The composer is said to have been overwritten, inter alia, by the author’s shares in 176 musical titles in order to free the original rights holder’s assets from bankruptcy. It is not yet decided when this process will continue.

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