Michel Hunziker: When the former rings… Tommaso Trusardi stays with him. Entertainment

Michel Hunziker: When the former rings... Tommaso Trusardi stays with him.  Entertainment

When your ex rings… ,

Tommaso lives with Michelle

Michelle Hunziker (45) and husband Tommaso Trusardi (39) have officially parted ways since the beginning of the year, but now there are signs of reconciliation!

A photographer caught Tommaso on Michelle’s flight trip: In black sweatpants and a casual biker jacket, she rang the beautiful presenter’s bell in the evening, went into the house—and only left the mother of her two daughters’ new home in Seoul the next morning. and Celeste. In the same outfit, with slightly tangled hair and slightly tired eyes.

He “seemed relaxed but a bit distracted,” writes the Italian magazine Chi—so much so that when he leaves the luxury home, he forgets his wallet and the nanny is forced to run across the street after him. After that, Tommaso got into his luxury car and went…

It was a wild night, Tommaso?  The fashion heir looks a little sleepy in the morning

Fashion heir Tomaso looked a little sleepy in the morning

Photo: Mega

After several attempts, Michel’s reconciliation efforts seem to finally bear fruit. Because: The couple’s relationship before that Michelle’s hot doctor Dr. Giovanni Angiolini (40) Have become stressed, report “Chi”. But Michelle has left the hot affair behind and now Tomaso is coming to meet again.

Will love return with Tomaso now?

On the Italian TV channel Canal 5, Michele recently on the show “Verissimo” said of the relationship between the two: “It’s been ten wonderful years with two wonderful daughters. It needs to be saved. I love Tommaso so much.” I am and will always love her.”

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Tommaso Trusardi and Michelle Hunziker were married from 2014 to 2022

Tommaso Trusardi and Michelle Hunziker married in 2014 and split this year after ten years of love

photo: picture combine / dpa

However, she also clarified: “A breakup is always like a grief you have to deal with. It’s hard because you feel like you’ve failed. But it also means a fresh start.” In the past, she even described the relationship with her ex-husband as a “life project”. Only Michelle herself knows what that means.

One thing is certain: there is no question of a happy nature being unhappy. Michelle in April image: “We are all very happy people, and my kids are always laughing. I don’t think my genes make you a serious person.”

And even with an ex you can have fun …

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