Microsoft: Pentagon cancels $JD billion contract – DER SPIEGEL

Microsoft: Pentagon cancels $JD billion contract - DER SPIEGEL

US Defense Department cancels ten billion dollar contract with IT company MicrosoftWhich worries even the Internet giant heroine had advertised. The project to create a cloud system called Jedi no longer meets the needs of the military pentagon.

“Given the changing technology environment, it has become clear that the long-delayed Jedi Cloud contract no longer meets the Department of Defense’s requirements to fill capacity gaps,” the ministry said. Now there should be a new tender. Amazon and Microsoft are the favorites; However, possible offers from other companies will also be taken into account.

Disputes over prizes with competitor Amazon

The JD project, which cost the equivalent of 8.4 billion euros, was about establishing a cloud system with which information from all branches of the armed forces could be exchanged in an artificial intelligence system. ten year contract Went to Microsoft in October 2019Even though Amazon was supposed to be the favorite. Amazon has a lot of experience with cloud systems. The company has already equipped other US agencies with the system, including the Foreign Intelligence Service. CIA.

Amazon took action against the award given to Microsoft. Anxiety shook the government of the then President Donald Trump Influenced by his “political enemy”, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, To harm.

In February 2020, a federal judge ordered the contract awarded to Microsoft to be temporarily put on hold. The Pentagon then requested a four-month delay to re-examine the award of the contract. In September, the Defense Department finally announced that it would be keeping a hold on Microsoft. But now the announcement of cancellation of the contract followed.

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