Midwife accuses EU of stigmatizing refugee camps

Midwife accuses EU of stigmatizing refugee camps

Although it was considered a model camp, the “Cara Tepe 1” camp on Lesbos was closed. Doctors and helpers react in shock. The video and a babysitter show the conditions on the site.

At the end of April there was an evacuation operation on the Greek island Teenagers Reason for great excitement: the small refugee camp “Kara Tepe 1” has been closed – undeclared and at midnight. The camp was seen as a demonstration camp.

Particularly vulnerable people lived in closed camps: women, children, old men. There were tents, shady areas, better power supplies and even containers instead of a school. The situation in the warehouse is different The refugees Has now been moved.

“It is crazy to be in such camps to me The midwife calls Julia Faulkner for T-Online, the Austrian is on duty on the Greek island for “Doctors Without Borders” and experiences conditions on Site First. The European Union accuses the hawks of the political corridors and reports Baal. Observing people.

Under what circumstances does the Kara Tepe Camp create havoc The emigrants You can see how an expert on the site assesses the situation in the video above. You can get a position if you want Here Click.

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