Millions of people evacuated due to impending volcanic eruption

Mount Nyaragongo: volcano erupts near big city

The red, hot mass was pushed out of the city. Now there is a possibility of another volcano erupting in Goma city and people have to leave their homes.

Officials in Democratic, worried about an imminent renewed eruption of the Nyaragongo volcano Republic of Congo Ordered a partial evacuation of Megacity Goma. On Thursday night, the military governor of the North Kivu region announced the evacuation of ten districts on the official TV channel RTNC. Lieutenant General Kongba Constant justified this with scientific data that indicated a fresh eruption of the volcano. There is also a risk that hot lava at the bottom of Lake Kivu may emit toxic gases. The authorities made arrangements for transport for the residents, they should take only the necessary goods.

You can see photos of the first outbreak on Saturday Here Or in the video above.

After the volcano erupted on Saturday, residents left their homes in panic and some of them fled across the border into neighboring Rwanda. A portion of the lava was rolled towards Goma, but then halted 300 meters from the border town’s airport. According to the United Nations Agency for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid (OCHA), 40 people are still missing. About 20 thousand people have become homeless.

The agency had pointed to the ongoing tremors and ash clouds yesterday evening. The closure of airports in the affected border town of Goma and neighboring town of Bukavu has made humanitarian aid more difficult. Three villages and one suburb of Goma were destroyed by the lava. The volcano is located in Virunga National Park, about 20 kilometers north of the city – near the border with Rwanda. Mount Nyaragongo was last torn in 2002. At that time lava destroyed a large part of Goma. About 250 people died and 120,000 became homeless.

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