Mobility Concepts | Mobility concept combines passenger transport and logistics

Mobility Concepts |  Mobility concept combines passenger transport and logistics

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In the Combinom project, mobility and logistics in rural areas have been brought together in one comprehensive concept. Autonomous shuttles are for transporting people and goods.

As part of the research project “Combinom – data modeling for the use of autonomous minibuses in rural areas for joint transportation of people and goods”, a proposal for the use of autonomous minibuses in rural areas for joint transport of people and goods Prospective analysis was made. If there is less demand for transport for people, autonomous minibuses can also be used for other transport tasks. For example, a vehicle can deliver parcels on the way and take people back on the way. In the project, efficiencies in the processing, production and preparation of specialist data from the fields of passenger transport and logistics in rural areas were analyzed in relation to the comprehensive simulation of combined transport concepts.

The project was carried out by the Research Lab for Urban Transport (Relut) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) in collaboration with researchers from the University of Hanover (HsH). At HsH, Faculty IV’s DAS is working on the Hub – Business and Computer Science project. “The introduction of such flexible forms of service as a complement to local public transport offers great potential especially with respect to demand-oriented proposals. The autonomous component enables us to reduce costs and lower personnel costs. The combination of passenger and freight transport also ensures utilization of the increased capacity of travel,” said Project Manager Professor Dr. Kai-Oliver Shock from Frankfurt UAS.

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