More often fatal due to other symptoms

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of: Natalie Hull Drawbar

Heart attack often manifests differently in women than in men, for example with pain in the upper abdomen. As a result, it is often recognized too late – with fatal consequences.

When you think of a heart attack, many probably think of a man holding his chest. This sharp pain spreading to the arms is one of many symptoms, but it is not the most common. men declare themselves Heart attack sometimes not accompanied by heavy sweating Feather. Women often show different symptoms than men, so in many cases these are not properly interpreted – a heart attack often ends fatally.

Heart attack: more likely to be fatal in women

The doctor revives the patient.
Women often show different symptoms than men, making a heart attack often fatal. (Iconic Image) © Uta Konopka / Imago

According to the German Center for Cardiovascular Research, more than 300,000 people in Germany have a heart attack every year. V.” In comparison: the number of stroke patients per year is about 200,000. The warning signs of a heart attack are distinct and non-specific. and this too Stroke symptoms can vary – But both show signs long before that.

Statistically, women are less likely to have a heart attack than men. according to barmer In 2019, four out of every 100 deaths occurred in women, compared to six out of 100 in men. However, according to the Heart Attack Registry, heart attacks progress More fatal in women than in men – Even in emergency situations. More women die of myocardial infarction before hospital treatment. This is largely due to the non-specific symptoms that affected women show and who are not diagnosed with a heart attack immediately.

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Heart attack: symptoms in women are different from men

Typical symptoms of a heart attack in women include:

  • epigastric pain
  • nausea with vomiting
  • back pain
  • jaw, neck, or throat pain
  • tiredness or weakness
  • chest tightness
  • pain or strain in one or both arms
  • severe shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • sleepiness
  • Sweat

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Chest pain classified as characteristic may also be completely absent. The so-called “silent heart attack” has no symptoms, so it can quickly become life-threatening for affected women.

This article contains only general information on a related health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not in any way replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer personal questions about clinical pictures.

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