manila a new study by Shows exactly where Filipinos want to spend their retirement. , There are, of course, the most popular retirement destinations around the world such as France, Canada and Argentina, but most Filipinos think of retiring in Thailand.
This is quite surprising given that Thailand is so similar to the Philippines as both are located in the tropics, but studies show that Filipinos like Thailand are in for an adventurous retirement.
After Thailand, many Filipinos also want to spend their retirement in Canada, Australia, Japan and Portugal.
Canada has been the first choice for retirees abroad from Asia.
While not the cheapest place to retire, Canada is known as a friendly, hospitable and safe travel destination, making it a popular choice for many people.
The Philippines is a popular retirement destination in itself, here are the top 10 retirement destinations:
- France
- Canada
- Argentina
- Portugal
- Australia
- Thailand
- Spain
- Costa Rica
- Germany
- Philippines
For many people, retirement is a great opportunity to move abroad and have more time to explore something new and experience a different lifestyle. – Esquire/