mRNA vaccination does not easily detect multiple sclerosis …

mRNA vaccination does not easily detect multiple sclerosis ...

/ Studio v-zwoelf,

Mnster disease-related capacity network multiple sclerosis (Kknms) Have indicated problems encountered when trying to vaccinate against multiple sclerosis (MS) through mRNA vaccination.

The background is that this process has become very well known through vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 and second, it is possible to suppress the development of experimental autoimmune encephalitis in muscle through an anti-inflammatory vaccine. This animal model recreates aspects of MS.

This study by Christina Krienke and colleagues, directed by Yionur Sahin, co-founder of Biontech, raises hope among people with MS, according to the capacity network. Study is a few days ago Science Published (2021); DOI: 10.1126 / science. Air 3638) is.

However: According to KKNMS, what works as a vaccination strategy in muscles with experimental autoimmune encephalitis is not so simple.

The main problem is that in humans, unlike animal models, target antigens in MS are not known. For decades, scientists have tried to identify antigens relevant to MS, but it has not been successful, scientists report in a KKNR statement.

In the 1990s, antigen-specific therapeutic approaches when transferred from laboratory conditions to humans were also, in some cases, unexpectedly increased in brain inflammation, which also promoted immune responses against the CNS and Was not pressed.

Today, MS is seen as a complex disruption of the immune regulatory network. Until now, no antigen-specific therapeutic approach has been successful in MS. This is different with an infection, as vaccination against virus antigens can be directed.

The strategy to develop a vaccine against MS is attractive and scientifically a high quality goal. However, according to KKNMS, the correct laboratory technique is not lacking in humans, but rather the biology of inflammatory processes in MS has to be evaluated in a very different way than an infection. © hil /

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