Mueller: Science is the Department of the Future

Mueller: Science is the Department of the Future

From the point of view of Michael Müller, the governing mayor of Berlin, science is the department of the subjects of the future. For him, interest in science was initially purely private, said Müller of the German Press Agency, who, in addition to his office as head of government, is also a science senator. “I don’t have an academic background, but I have always found the subject of science and research exciting,” said the SPD politician. “Then I realized in previous coalition talks that this region could be a great opportunity for Berlin, that this is the department of the real future. And so we were able to anchor the region to our Senate chancellor.”

And it was a good and right decision. “Certainly, the environment, transportation and digitization are also topics of the future. But science and research bundle these topics and provide answers to the challenges we face.” Müller pointed to Berlin’s progress over the past five years: “Berlin is a science metropolis – now also recognized internationally. What we have been able to establish here for a science city will remain so for a long time.” “

It is not clear whether Mueller’s model of directing the science department to the Rotts Rathaus will continue after elections to the House of Representatives on September 26. The least green top candidate for the House of Representatives, Bettina Jarash, already declared her sympathy for it in June: “I want it to stay that way.” If she should become the governing mayor, she would also like to take over the science department. Müller himself wants to go to the Bundestag.

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