Mühlhausen-Ehingen: Location for families: can be built at the first four locations in Spitzhacker

Mühlhausen-Ehingen: Location for families: can be built at the first four locations in Spitzhacker

A family of four can now plan for their home in Mühlhausen-Ehingen. He was ranked first in the construction of the new Spitzhacker. While deciding the award, the administration used the points system which was presented to the municipal council in February. In order to be able to make the award transparent and non-discriminatory, guidelines were agreed which are based on the terms (conditions) of the European Union.

Selection is according to social and local norms. Points are awarded for the number of children under 14 years of age, primary residence (permanent) or employment in Muhlhausen-Ehingen. Active voluntary work also pays.

With children under 14, all four applicants were able to score points in the first award round. In addition, all families already have their main residence in the double commune. Once eleven, three times ten points were achieved.

Development is possible only in several stages

A total of 32 building sites will be allotted in the construction area. However, the distribution is gradual. However, there are more than enough interested parties – 64 applications were submitted in the first round – it still doesn’t make sense not to allocate all the places at once, Kramer Kurt First explains: “Here, attention Long-term growth is on. “The realization of new development areas is difficult, new locations are not available indefinitely.” The Spitzacker construction area is therefore a construction site reserved for the municipality for years to come, “said the treasurer. In parallel. Potential conflicts with multiple ongoing construction sites, for example due to construction noise or delivery traffic, should also be avoided.

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The municipality also monitors educational institutions

Finally, the community may not be able to maintain the infrastructure. “The award criteria are aimed at young families with children. If a lot of building sites were sold and built in a similar manner at the same time, this would lead to the community’s educational institutions facing extreme demands. In addition, the required groups and classes will be vacated again later, with additional employees unemployed. “It’s important to avoid this kind of development,” Furst warns.

According to the administration, the next round of awards is yet to be determined.

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