Munich: Second S-Bahn Main Line: Coarse Rescheduling Room

Munich: Second S-Bahn Main Line: Coarse Rescheduling Room
  • Dirk Walter

    OfDirk Walter

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There is no shortage of vision: The Bavarian Ministry of Transport has published a list of 43 projects aimed at improving the rail network in the greater Munich region. The second trunk line has a major rescheduling on its agenda.

Munich – on the other Train*-The main path is the rescheduling in the room – once again! The Bavarian Ministry of Transport is investigating whether the tunnel should have an underground branch to the south (Zeissing) to connect S3 to Holzkirchen and S7 directly to Kreuzstrasse. If this happens, these lines can go directly to the main line (instead of changing the direction of travel as in previous plans at Ostbahnhof, so that the train driver has to go from front to back).

This possible rescheduling of trunk lines is one of the 43 measures of the rail network in the metropolitan area Munich *, Which are investigated “for their impact on traffic and their structural feasibility”. The list has now been presented by four authors in the specialist magazine Eisenbahtechnische Rundschau – including Frank Kützner, head of the -S-Bahn / Bahnausbau department in the Ministry of Transport. In addition to the construction of new railway stations (for example at Mentorschwaiz), expansion of single-track lines to include a second track and construction of new lines that do not yet exist are investigated.

S-Bahn Munich: a south branch for the second trunk line?

The south branch will be one of the most extensive additions. The diversion has been considered repeatedly in recent years, but eventually the cost reasons have been abandoned. Since the building permit for the tunnel to the east is still missing, at least no new plans will be necessary to add the approval process. Nevertheless, this change will probably delay the construction further. Current plans envisage the completion of the second main line in 2028, but experts already believe that 2032 would be more realistic – with no re-planning. From a structural standpoint, the south junction would be a challenge, says former tunnel reviewer Martin Runge (Greens): “The Giesinger branch must cross or reduce the underground new trunk line.”

The mega-structure required a full range of redesigns. Among other things, the new train stop at Ostbahnhof is now to be made eastward, not as previously planned at Orleansplatz. Apart from this, railways now have to plan for rescue tube. Construction of second trunk line Started four years ago, the project is expected to cost more than three billion euros – not including rescheduling. The new development is also due to Bavaria’s Transport Minister Kerstin Schreier (CSU), who has his constituency in Munich district and repeatedly pushed for improvements to the S7 in the east. It aims to shorten the cycle time of S-Bahn from 20 to 15 minutes.

Friends, build in the end!

Per lane

Other schemes seem utopian. The authors propose an S-Bahn line Munich – Odelzhausen – dussing parallel to Stuttgart’s A8 motorway, the viability of which even fans of Pro Ban can hardly imagine. Experts also joke about a railway ring around Munich – it doesn’t even exist as a motorway. In contrast, for example, there is no possibility of an extension of Werdenfelsbahn south of Weilheim. More recently, Weilheimer Norbert Moy of Pro Ban complained, the Municipality of Willenbach received a rejection for his demand to reopen the Wilzofen station. Other things are so natural that one wonders why it should be re-examined – for example a two-way extension from graphing to Ebersburg. Advice from Pro Ban: “Guys, finally make it!”

Main S-Bahn Line in Munich: Further Projects

The Bavarian Ministry of Transport is now examining the list of 43 new potential expansion projects through specialist offices, including the following projects:

  • – New Train Stop / S-Bahn Station: Eimring (Furstenfeldbrook District), Birdsstrash, Weichselbaum, Menterschwaiz (as a link with tram 25), Oberlander (Missbach district), Föching (south of Kruzstrash), Mintraching, Parkjentrum West (at) Airport as a connection to the lab campus), along with Etching-Ost as well as a stop between Trudering and Gronsdorf, which is yet to be determined properly.
  • – Extension of 210 meters (for three S-Bahn trains) of all platforms in the S region.
  • – Extension of Südring: “To improve the transfer connection to U-Bahn, S-Bahn traffic on Südring should also be considered.” Until now, the ministry had strictly rejected the S-Bahn stop at Südring!
  • – Two-track extension of various S-Bahn lines, such as S 7 Giesing-Kreuzstrase, S 7 Höllriegelskreuth-Wolfratshausen and S 2 Markt Schwaben-Altenerding.
  • – New lines on the Reim-Messe-Eshheim-Kirchheim-Pleining line, between Altomünster and Eychach, and between Munich, Odelzhausen and Dasing. Also under consideration: S3 to the S-Bahn branch in a new development area on the site of the abandoned Furstenfeldbrook air base.
  • – Electrification of the line between Coffering and Landsberg.
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A total of 43 new potential expansion projects are now being investigated. You can find a comment on the project here.

*There is an offer from

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