Muscle pain as a symptom of vitamin deficiency: what foods can help

Muscle pain as a symptom of vitamin deficiency: what foods can help

A balanced intake of nutrients is essential to prevent muscle soreness and other symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

Frankfurt – There can be many reasons for muscle pain. The basis of adequate supply of vitamins in the body is a healthy diet. To pass the day without muscle problems, many vitamins and nutrients are needed. In addition to adequate protein, intake of magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium and vitamin D is essential. Health,

Disturbances in metabolism can occur due to previous diseases or genetically determined body characteristics. This leads to nutritional deficiencies in spite of a balanced diet. This deficiency can cause various problems. The ensuing symptoms are muscle aches and cramps, as well as cramps in the calves and feet. Sometimes muscle tremors or paralysis may occur.

Muscle pain can be caused by vitamin deficiency.

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Muscle pain as a symptom of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin D plays a special role in health. The substance, which is important for bone hardness and muscle strength, among other things, can only be taken in limited amounts through food. In particular, the effect of sunlight should not be underestimated. A rule of thumb is that adults should be in the sun for about 5 to 25 minutes a day. The face and some parts of the body such as the feet or hands should be kept open. In this way, enough vitamin D can be absorbed. However, this rule varies from person to person and depending on the latitude and season. From March to October, the vitamin D family is considered safe for most people in Germany.

Vitamins and micronutrients important for health: Prevent muscle soreness

Certain vitamins, fatty acids and minerals are especially important for ensuring healthy muscle structure. Here you’ll find a list and tips for meeting related nutritional needs:

  • Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12: These B vitamins are responsible for a smooth energy metabolism in muscle cells.
  • vitamin CMuscle and joint pain are common symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, so that Technical Manual MSD Manual, Certain foods contain particularly large amounts of vitamin C.
  • vitamin D: The typical consequences of vitamin D deficiency in the body are muscle weakness and cramps. You can combat these problems with foods like salmon, maitake mushrooms or eggs.
  • Magnesium: To promote flexibility and regeneration of muscle cells, magnesium is often supplied additionally in the form of supplements. However, it is not recommended without a doctor’s prescription. Many foods, such as broccoli, bananas or nuts, contain magnesium.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid: With a good supply of omega-3 fatty acids in the body, for example, muscle soreness and age-related muscle loss can be reduced, as shown. Sports Medicine Newspaper Website Have to read Chickpeas, mussels or raspberries are good suppliers of omega-3 fatty acids.

You can seek medical advice to get an overview of your individual nutritional values ​​and to ensure that your individual needs are met. (JSK)

Editor’s Note

The information given in this article does not take the place of going to the doctor. Only specialists can make the correct diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment. The use of medicines or supplements should be discussed with the doctor in advance.

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